001    /*
002    // This java file was automatically generated
003    // from XOM model 'meta'
004    // on Sat Nov 01 14:29:27 GMT-08:00 2008
005    // Do not edit this file by hand.
006    */
008    package org.eigenbase.xom;
009    /**
010     * This model is the XOM Meta Model.  It is the specification of the model used
011     * to define new XML-based models.  It is also an instance of itself.
012     * <p>This class was generated from XOM model 'meta' on Sat Nov 01 14:29:27 GMT-08:00 2008
013     */
014    public class MetaDef {
016            public static java.lang.Class getXMLDefClass()
017            {
018                    return MetaDef.class;
019            }
021            public static String[] _elements = {
022                    "Model",
023                    "Definition",
024                    "FullDefinition",
025                    "Element",
026                    "Class",
027                    "StringElement",
028                    "Plugin",
029                    "Import",
030                    "Doc",
031                    "Code",
032                    "Attribute",
033                    "Value",
034                    "Content",
035                    "Object",
036                    "Array",
037                    "Any",
038                    "CData"
039            };
041            /**
042             * Model is the top-level element for a model description.  The model element
043             * contains all other elements in the model and also defines the model's
044             * basic attributes, such as its name and version number.
045             */
046            public static class Model extends org.eigenbase.xom.ElementDef
047            {
048                    public Model()
049                    {
050                    }
052                    public Model(org.eigenbase.xom.DOMWrapper _def)
053                            throws org.eigenbase.xom.XOMException
054                    {
055                            this._def = _def;
056                            try {
057                                    org.eigenbase.xom.DOMElementParser _parser = new org.eigenbase.xom.DOMElementParser(_def, "", MetaDef.class);
058                                    org.eigenbase.xom.NodeDef[] _tempArray;
059                                    name = (String)_parser.getAttribute("name", "String", null, null, true);
060                                    dtdName = (String)_parser.getAttribute("dtdName", "String", null, null, false);
061                                    className = (String)_parser.getAttribute("className", "String", null, null, false);
062                                    packageName = (String)_parser.getAttribute("packageName", "String", null, null, false);
063                                    importName = (String)_parser.getAttribute("importName", "String", null, null, false);
064                                    root = (String)_parser.getAttribute("root", "String", null, null, true);
065                                    prefix = (String)_parser.getAttribute("prefix", "String", null, null, false);
066                                    version = (Double)_parser.getAttribute("version", "Double", null, null, true);
067                                    defaultKeepDef = (Boolean)_parser.getAttribute("defaultKeepDef", "Boolean", "false", null, false);
068                                    doc = _parser.getString(Doc, false);
069                                    _tempArray = _parser.getArray(Definition.class, 1, 0);
070                                    elements = new Definition[_tempArray.length];
071                                    for (int _i = 0; _i < elements.length; _i++)
072                                            elements[_i] = (Definition)_tempArray[_i];
073                            } catch(org.eigenbase.xom.XOMException _ex) {
074                                    throw new org.eigenbase.xom.XOMException("In " + getName() + ": " + _ex.getMessage());
075                            }
076                    }
078                    public String name;  // required attribute
079                    public String dtdName;  // optional attribute
080                    public String className;  // optional attribute
081                    public String packageName;  // optional attribute
082                    public String importName;  // optional attribute
083                    public String root;  // required attribute
084                    public String prefix;  // optional attribute
085                    public Double version;  // required attribute
086                    public Boolean defaultKeepDef;  // attribute default: false
087                    public org.eigenbase.xom.DOMWrapper _def;
089                    public String doc;  //optional element
090                    /**
091                     * The elements array contains a definition for each element within the
092                     * model.  Elements include Class, Element, and String definitions.
093                     */
094                    public Definition[] elements;  //min 1
096                    public String getName()
097                    {
098                            return "Model";
099                    }
101                    public void display(java.io.PrintWriter _out, int _indent)
102                    {
103                            _out.println(getName());
104                            displayAttribute(_out, "name", name, _indent+1);
105                            displayAttribute(_out, "dtdName", dtdName, _indent+1);
106                            displayAttribute(_out, "className", className, _indent+1);
107                            displayAttribute(_out, "packageName", packageName, _indent+1);
108                            displayAttribute(_out, "importName", importName, _indent+1);
109                            displayAttribute(_out, "root", root, _indent+1);
110                            displayAttribute(_out, "prefix", prefix, _indent+1);
111                            displayAttribute(_out, "version", version, _indent+1);
112                            displayAttribute(_out, "defaultKeepDef", defaultKeepDef, _indent+1);
113                            displayString(_out, "doc", doc, _indent+1);
114                            displayElementArray(_out, "elements", elements, _indent+1);
115                    }
116                    public void displayXML(org.eigenbase.xom.XMLOutput _out, int _indent)
117                    {
118                            _out.beginTag("Model", new org.eigenbase.xom.XMLAttrVector()
119                                    .add("name", name)
120                                    .add("dtdName", dtdName)
121                                    .add("className", className)
122                                    .add("packageName", packageName)
123                                    .add("importName", importName)
124                                    .add("root", root)
125                                    .add("prefix", prefix)
126                                    .add("version", version)
127                                    .add("defaultKeepDef", defaultKeepDef)
128                                    );
129                            displayXMLString(_out, "Doc", doc);
130                            displayXMLElementArray(_out, elements);
131                            _out.endTag("Model");
132                    }
133                    public boolean displayDiff(org.eigenbase.xom.ElementDef _other, java.io.PrintWriter _out, int _indent)
134                    {
135                            Model _cother = (Model)_other;
136                            boolean _diff = displayAttributeDiff("name", name, _cother.name, _out, _indent+1);
137                            _diff = _diff && displayAttributeDiff("dtdName", dtdName, _cother.dtdName, _out, _indent+1);
138                            _diff = _diff && displayAttributeDiff("className", className, _cother.className, _out, _indent+1);
139                            _diff = _diff && displayAttributeDiff("packageName", packageName, _cother.packageName, _out, _indent+1);
140                            _diff = _diff && displayAttributeDiff("importName", importName, _cother.importName, _out, _indent+1);
141                            _diff = _diff && displayAttributeDiff("root", root, _cother.root, _out, _indent+1);
142                            _diff = _diff && displayAttributeDiff("prefix", prefix, _cother.prefix, _out, _indent+1);
143                            _diff = _diff && displayAttributeDiff("version", version, _cother.version, _out, _indent+1);
144                            _diff = _diff && displayAttributeDiff("defaultKeepDef", defaultKeepDef, _cother.defaultKeepDef, _out, _indent+1);
145                            _diff = _diff && displayStringDiff("doc", doc, _cother.doc, _out, _indent+1);
146                            _diff = _diff && displayElementArrayDiff("elements", elements, _cother.elements, _out, _indent+1);
147                            return _diff;
148                    }
149            }
151            /**
152             * The Definition class represents a generic type of element definition.
153             * The actual definition may be of a Class, Element, or String.
154             * Definitions are the basic building blocks of a model.
155             */
156            public static abstract class Definition extends org.eigenbase.xom.ElementDef
157            {
158                    public Definition()
159                    {
160                    }
162                    public Definition(org.eigenbase.xom.DOMWrapper _def)
163                            throws org.eigenbase.xom.XOMException
164                    {
165                            try {
166                                    org.eigenbase.xom.DOMElementParser _parser = new org.eigenbase.xom.DOMElementParser(_def, "", MetaDef.class);
167                                    doc = _parser.getString(Doc, false);
168                            } catch(org.eigenbase.xom.XOMException _ex) {
169                                    throw new org.eigenbase.xom.XOMException("In " + getName() + ": " + _ex.getMessage());
170                            }
171                    }
174                    /**
175                     * Doc tags allow documentation to be added to any definition.  The
176                     * documentation will automatically appear in all physical forms
177                     * of this model, including dtds, java classes, and the xsl
178                     * transformation.
179                     */
180                    public String doc;  //optional element
182                    public String getName()
183                    {
184                            return "Definition";
185                    }
187                    public void display(java.io.PrintWriter _out, int _indent)
188                    {
189                            _out.println(getName());
190                            displayString(_out, "doc", doc, _indent+1);
191                    }
192                    public void displayXML(org.eigenbase.xom.XMLOutput _out, int _indent)
193                    {
194                            _out.beginTag("(%Definition;)", new org.eigenbase.xom.XMLAttrVector()
195                                    );
196                            displayXMLString(_out, "Doc", doc);
197                            _out.endTag("(%Definition;)");
198                    }
199                    public boolean displayDiff(org.eigenbase.xom.ElementDef _other, java.io.PrintWriter _out, int _indent)
200                    {
201                            Definition _cother = (Definition)_other;
202                            boolean _diff = displayStringDiff("doc", doc, _cother.doc, _out, _indent+1);
203                            return _diff;
204                    }
205            }
207            /**
208             * The FullDefinition class represents a fully-specified definition
209             * that may include content.
210             */
211            public static abstract class FullDefinition extends Definition
212            {
213                    public FullDefinition()
214                    {
215                    }
217                    public FullDefinition(org.eigenbase.xom.DOMWrapper _def)
218                            throws org.eigenbase.xom.XOMException
219                    {
220                            try {
221                                    org.eigenbase.xom.DOMElementParser _parser = new org.eigenbase.xom.DOMElementParser(_def, "", MetaDef.class);
222                                    org.eigenbase.xom.NodeDef[] _tempArray;
223                                    contentModel = (String)_parser.getAttribute("contentModel", "String", "sequential", _contentModel_values, false);
224                                    keepDef = (Boolean)_parser.getAttribute("keepDef", "Boolean", null, null, false);
225                                    doc = _parser.getString(Doc, false);
226                                    _tempArray = _parser.getArray(Attribute.class, 0, 0);
227                                    attributes = new Attribute[_tempArray.length];
228                                    for (int _i = 0; _i < attributes.length; _i++)
229                                            attributes[_i] = (Attribute)_tempArray[_i];
230                                    _tempArray = _parser.getArray(Content.class, 0, 0);
231                                    content = new Content[_tempArray.length];
232                                    for (int _i = 0; _i < content.length; _i++)
233                                            content[_i] = (Content)_tempArray[_i];
234                                    any = (Any)_parser.getElement(Any.class, false);
235                                    cdata = (CData)_parser.getElement(CData.class, false);
236                                    code = _parser.getString(Code, false);
237                            } catch(org.eigenbase.xom.XOMException _ex) {
238                                    throw new org.eigenbase.xom.XOMException("In " + getName() + ": " + _ex.getMessage());
239                            }
240                    }
242                    /** Allowable values for {@link #contentModel}. */
243                    public static final String[] _contentModel_values = {"sequential", "random", "mixed", "any", "cdata"};
244                    public String contentModel;  // attribute default: sequential
245                    public Boolean keepDef;  // optional attribute
247                    /**
248                     * This array defines all attributes to appear within this class or
249                     * element.
250                     */
251                    public Attribute[] attributes;  //optional array
252                    /**
253                     * This array defines all content (objects and arrays) to appear within
254                     * this class or element.  The interpretation of this array depends
255                     * on the element's defined content model.
256                     */
257                    public Content[] content;  //optional array
258                    public Any any;  //optional element
259                    public CData cdata;  //optional element
260                    /**
261                     * This element allows arbitrary Java Code to be attached to any
262                     * class or element.  Code sections are not verified until the final
263                     * .java class is compiled and should be used sparingly.
264                     */
265                    public String code;  //optional element
267                    public String getName()
268                    {
269                            return "FullDefinition";
270                    }
272                    public void display(java.io.PrintWriter _out, int _indent)
273                    {
274                            _out.println(getName());
275                            displayAttribute(_out, "contentModel", contentModel, _indent+1);
276                            displayAttribute(_out, "keepDef", keepDef, _indent+1);
277                            displayString(_out, "doc", doc, _indent+1);
278                            displayElementArray(_out, "attributes", attributes, _indent+1);
279                            displayElementArray(_out, "content", content, _indent+1);
280                            displayElement(_out, "any", any, _indent+1);
281                            displayElement(_out, "cdata", cdata, _indent+1);
282                            displayString(_out, "code", code, _indent+1);
283                    }
284                    public void displayXML(org.eigenbase.xom.XMLOutput _out, int _indent)
285                    {
286                            _out.beginTag("(%FullDefinition;)", new org.eigenbase.xom.XMLAttrVector()
287                                    .add("contentModel", contentModel)
288                                    .add("keepDef", keepDef)
289                                    );
290                            displayXMLString(_out, "Doc", doc);
291                            displayXMLElementArray(_out, attributes);
292                            displayXMLElementArray(_out, content);
293                            displayXMLElement(_out, any);
294                            displayXMLElement(_out, cdata);
295                            displayXMLString(_out, "Code", code);
296                            _out.endTag("(%FullDefinition;)");
297                    }
298                    public boolean displayDiff(org.eigenbase.xom.ElementDef _other, java.io.PrintWriter _out, int _indent)
299                    {
300                            FullDefinition _cother = (FullDefinition)_other;
301                            boolean _diff = displayAttributeDiff("contentModel", contentModel, _cother.contentModel, _out, _indent+1);
302                            _diff = _diff && displayAttributeDiff("keepDef", keepDef, _cother.keepDef, _out, _indent+1);
303                            _diff = _diff && displayStringDiff("doc", doc, _cother.doc, _out, _indent+1);
304                            _diff = _diff && displayElementArrayDiff("attributes", attributes, _cother.attributes, _out, _indent+1);
305                            _diff = _diff && displayElementArrayDiff("content", content, _cother.content, _out, _indent+1);
306                            _diff = _diff && displayElementDiff("any", any, _cother.any, _out, _indent+1);
307                            _diff = _diff && displayElementDiff("cdata", cdata, _cother.cdata, _out, _indent+1);
308                            _diff = _diff && displayStringDiff("code", code, _cother.code, _out, _indent+1);
309                            return _diff;
310                    }
311            }
313            /**
314             * An Element Definition defines a basic entity of the meta model.  Elements
315             * are containers for two types of data: attributes and content.  Attributes
316             * are simple name/value pairs which may take on the full range of Java
317             * types.  Content consists of other Elements and Strings, either
318             * appearing alone or as arrays.
319             */
320            public static class Element extends FullDefinition
321            {
322                    public Element()
323                    {
324                    }
326                    public Element(org.eigenbase.xom.DOMWrapper _def)
327                            throws org.eigenbase.xom.XOMException
328                    {
329                            this._def = _def;
330                            try {
331                                    org.eigenbase.xom.DOMElementParser _parser = new org.eigenbase.xom.DOMElementParser(_def, "", MetaDef.class);
332                                    org.eigenbase.xom.NodeDef[] _tempArray;
333                                    type = (String)_parser.getAttribute("type", "String", null, null, true);
334                                    _class = (String)_parser.getAttribute("class", "String", null, null, false);
335                                    dtdName = (String)_parser.getAttribute("dtdName", "String", null, null, false);
336                                    contentModel = (String)_parser.getAttribute("contentModel", "String", "sequential", _contentModel_values, false);
337                                    keepDef = (Boolean)_parser.getAttribute("keepDef", "Boolean", null, null, false);
338                                    doc = _parser.getString(Doc, false);
339                                    _tempArray = _parser.getArray(Attribute.class, 0, 0);
340                                    attributes = new Attribute[_tempArray.length];
341                                    for (int _i = 0; _i < attributes.length; _i++)
342                                            attributes[_i] = (Attribute)_tempArray[_i];
343                                    _tempArray = _parser.getArray(Content.class, 0, 0);
344                                    content = new Content[_tempArray.length];
345                                    for (int _i = 0; _i < content.length; _i++)
346                                            content[_i] = (Content)_tempArray[_i];
347                                    any = (Any)_parser.getElement(Any.class, false);
348                                    cdata = (CData)_parser.getElement(CData.class, false);
349                                    code = _parser.getString(Code, false);
350                            } catch(org.eigenbase.xom.XOMException _ex) {
351                                    throw new org.eigenbase.xom.XOMException("In " + getName() + ": " + _ex.getMessage());
352                            }
353                    }
355                    public String type;  // required attribute
356                    public String _class;  // optional attribute
357                    public String dtdName;  // optional attribute
358                    public org.eigenbase.xom.DOMWrapper _def;
361                    public String getName()
362                    {
363                            return "Element";
364                    }
366                    public void display(java.io.PrintWriter _out, int _indent)
367                    {
368                            _out.println(getName());
369                            displayAttribute(_out, "type", type, _indent+1);
370                            displayAttribute(_out, "class", _class, _indent+1);
371                            displayAttribute(_out, "dtdName", dtdName, _indent+1);
372                            displayAttribute(_out, "contentModel", contentModel, _indent+1);
373                            displayAttribute(_out, "keepDef", keepDef, _indent+1);
374                            displayString(_out, "doc", doc, _indent+1);
375                            displayElementArray(_out, "attributes", attributes, _indent+1);
376                            displayElementArray(_out, "content", content, _indent+1);
377                            displayElement(_out, "any", any, _indent+1);
378                            displayElement(_out, "cdata", cdata, _indent+1);
379                            displayString(_out, "code", code, _indent+1);
380                    }
381                    public void displayXML(org.eigenbase.xom.XMLOutput _out, int _indent)
382                    {
383                            _out.beginTag("Element", new org.eigenbase.xom.XMLAttrVector()
384                                    .add("type", type)
385                                    .add("class", _class)
386                                    .add("dtdName", dtdName)
387                                    .add("contentModel", contentModel)
388                                    .add("keepDef", keepDef)
389                                    );
390                            displayXMLString(_out, "Doc", doc);
391                            displayXMLElementArray(_out, attributes);
392                            displayXMLElementArray(_out, content);
393                            displayXMLElement(_out, any);
394                            displayXMLElement(_out, cdata);
395                            displayXMLString(_out, "Code", code);
396                            _out.endTag("Element");
397                    }
398                    public boolean displayDiff(org.eigenbase.xom.ElementDef _other, java.io.PrintWriter _out, int _indent)
399                    {
400                            Element _cother = (Element)_other;
401                            boolean _diff = displayAttributeDiff("type", type, _cother.type, _out, _indent+1);
402                            _diff = _diff && displayAttributeDiff("class", _class, _cother._class, _out, _indent+1);
403                            _diff = _diff && displayAttributeDiff("dtdName", dtdName, _cother.dtdName, _out, _indent+1);
404                            _diff = _diff && displayStringDiff("doc", doc, _cother.doc, _out, _indent+1);
405                            _diff = _diff && displayElementArrayDiff("attributes", attributes, _cother.attributes, _out, _indent+1);
406                            _diff = _diff && displayElementArrayDiff("content", content, _cother.content, _out, _indent+1);
407                            _diff = _diff && displayElementDiff("any", any, _cother.any, _out, _indent+1);
408                            _diff = _diff && displayElementDiff("cdata", cdata, _cother.cdata, _out, _indent+1);
409                            _diff = _diff && displayStringDiff("code", code, _cother.code, _out, _indent+1);
410                            return _diff;
411                    }
412            }
414            /**
415             * A Class Definition defines a class of entities.  A class specifies a group
416             * of entities with similar properties.  Full inheritence is supported,
417             * although there are limits on what can be overridden.
418             */
419            public static class Class extends FullDefinition
420            {
421                    public Class()
422                    {
423                    }
425                    public Class(org.eigenbase.xom.DOMWrapper _def)
426                            throws org.eigenbase.xom.XOMException
427                    {
428                            this._def = _def;
429                            try {
430                                    org.eigenbase.xom.DOMElementParser _parser = new org.eigenbase.xom.DOMElementParser(_def, "", MetaDef.class);
431                                    org.eigenbase.xom.NodeDef[] _tempArray;
432                                    _class = (String)_parser.getAttribute("class", "String", null, null, true);
433                                    superclass = (String)_parser.getAttribute("superclass", "String", null, null, false);
434                                    contentModel = (String)_parser.getAttribute("contentModel", "String", "sequential", _contentModel_values, false);
435                                    keepDef = (Boolean)_parser.getAttribute("keepDef", "Boolean", null, null, false);
436                                    doc = _parser.getString(Doc, false);
437                                    _tempArray = _parser.getArray(Attribute.class, 0, 0);
438                                    attributes = new Attribute[_tempArray.length];
439                                    for (int _i = 0; _i < attributes.length; _i++)
440                                            attributes[_i] = (Attribute)_tempArray[_i];
441                                    _tempArray = _parser.getArray(Content.class, 0, 0);
442                                    content = new Content[_tempArray.length];
443                                    for (int _i = 0; _i < content.length; _i++)
444                                            content[_i] = (Content)_tempArray[_i];
445                                    any = (Any)_parser.getElement(Any.class, false);
446                                    cdata = (CData)_parser.getElement(CData.class, false);
447                                    code = _parser.getString(Code, false);
448                            } catch(org.eigenbase.xom.XOMException _ex) {
449                                    throw new org.eigenbase.xom.XOMException("In " + getName() + ": " + _ex.getMessage());
450                            }
451                    }
453                    public String _class;  // required attribute
454                    public String superclass;  // optional attribute
455                    public org.eigenbase.xom.DOMWrapper _def;
458                    public String getName()
459                    {
460                            return "Class";
461                    }
463                    public void display(java.io.PrintWriter _out, int _indent)
464                    {
465                            _out.println(getName());
466                            displayAttribute(_out, "class", _class, _indent+1);
467                            displayAttribute(_out, "superclass", superclass, _indent+1);
468                            displayAttribute(_out, "contentModel", contentModel, _indent+1);
469                            displayAttribute(_out, "keepDef", keepDef, _indent+1);
470                            displayString(_out, "doc", doc, _indent+1);
471                            displayElementArray(_out, "attributes", attributes, _indent+1);
472                            displayElementArray(_out, "content", content, _indent+1);
473                            displayElement(_out, "any", any, _indent+1);
474                            displayElement(_out, "cdata", cdata, _indent+1);
475                            displayString(_out, "code", code, _indent+1);
476                    }
477                    public void displayXML(org.eigenbase.xom.XMLOutput _out, int _indent)
478                    {
479                            _out.beginTag("Class", new org.eigenbase.xom.XMLAttrVector()
480                                    .add("class", _class)
481                                    .add("superclass", superclass)
482                                    .add("contentModel", contentModel)
483                                    .add("keepDef", keepDef)
484                                    );
485                            displayXMLString(_out, "Doc", doc);
486                            displayXMLElementArray(_out, attributes);
487                            displayXMLElementArray(_out, content);
488                            displayXMLElement(_out, any);
489                            displayXMLElement(_out, cdata);
490                            displayXMLString(_out, "Code", code);
491                            _out.endTag("Class");
492                    }
493                    public boolean displayDiff(org.eigenbase.xom.ElementDef _other, java.io.PrintWriter _out, int _indent)
494                    {
495                            Class _cother = (Class)_other;
496                            boolean _diff = displayAttributeDiff("class", _class, _cother._class, _out, _indent+1);
497                            _diff = _diff && displayAttributeDiff("superclass", superclass, _cother.superclass, _out, _indent+1);
498                            _diff = _diff && displayStringDiff("doc", doc, _cother.doc, _out, _indent+1);
499                            _diff = _diff && displayElementArrayDiff("attributes", attributes, _cother.attributes, _out, _indent+1);
500                            _diff = _diff && displayElementArrayDiff("content", content, _cother.content, _out, _indent+1);
501                            _diff = _diff && displayElementDiff("any", any, _cother.any, _out, _indent+1);
502                            _diff = _diff && displayElementDiff("cdata", cdata, _cother.cdata, _out, _indent+1);
503                            _diff = _diff && displayStringDiff("code", code, _cother.code, _out, _indent+1);
504                            return _diff;
505                    }
506            }
508            /**
509             * A StringElement is a simple type of element which has no attributes and
510             * whose content is a single String (usually represented as a CDATA section).
511             * StringElements are used when raw text must be included in a model, such
512             * as raw Java code, or SQL statements, or HTML documentation.
513             */
514            public static class StringElement extends Definition
515            {
516                    public StringElement()
517                    {
518                    }
520                    public StringElement(org.eigenbase.xom.DOMWrapper _def)
521                            throws org.eigenbase.xom.XOMException
522                    {
523                            this._def = _def;
524                            try {
525                                    org.eigenbase.xom.DOMElementParser _parser = new org.eigenbase.xom.DOMElementParser(_def, "", MetaDef.class);
526                                    type = (String)_parser.getAttribute("type", "String", null, null, true);
527                                    doc = _parser.getString(Doc, false);
528                            } catch(org.eigenbase.xom.XOMException _ex) {
529                                    throw new org.eigenbase.xom.XOMException("In " + getName() + ": " + _ex.getMessage());
530                            }
531                    }
533                    public String type;  // required attribute
534                    public org.eigenbase.xom.DOMWrapper _def;
537                    public String getName()
538                    {
539                            return "StringElement";
540                    }
542                    public void display(java.io.PrintWriter _out, int _indent)
543                    {
544                            _out.println(getName());
545                            displayAttribute(_out, "type", type, _indent+1);
546                            displayString(_out, "doc", doc, _indent+1);
547                    }
548                    public void displayXML(org.eigenbase.xom.XMLOutput _out, int _indent)
549                    {
550                            _out.beginTag("StringElement", new org.eigenbase.xom.XMLAttrVector()
551                                    .add("type", type)
552                                    );
553                            displayXMLString(_out, "Doc", doc);
554                            _out.endTag("StringElement");
555                    }
556                    public boolean displayDiff(org.eigenbase.xom.ElementDef _other, java.io.PrintWriter _out, int _indent)
557                    {
558                            StringElement _cother = (StringElement)_other;
559                            boolean _diff = displayAttributeDiff("type", type, _cother.type, _out, _indent+1);
560                            _diff = _diff && displayStringDiff("doc", doc, _cother.doc, _out, _indent+1);
561                            return _diff;
562                    }
563            }
565            /**
566             * A Plugin in a special type of element whose content may be derived from
567             * a different model.  The exact model to use is specified by the
568             * individual XML file, allowing a Plugin element to link to another
569             * model dynamically.  The Plugin element automatically defines the
570             * defPackage and defClass attributes.  Other attributes may be added
571             * as needed.  Code and documentation sections are supported as well.
572             */
573            public static class Plugin extends Definition
574            {
575                    public Plugin()
576                    {
577                    }
579                    public Plugin(org.eigenbase.xom.DOMWrapper _def)
580                            throws org.eigenbase.xom.XOMException
581                    {
582                            this._def = _def;
583                            try {
584                                    org.eigenbase.xom.DOMElementParser _parser = new org.eigenbase.xom.DOMElementParser(_def, "", MetaDef.class);
585                                    org.eigenbase.xom.NodeDef[] _tempArray;
586                                    type = (String)_parser.getAttribute("type", "String", null, null, true);
587                                    _class = (String)_parser.getAttribute("class", "String", null, null, false);
588                                    doc = _parser.getString(Doc, false);
589                                    _tempArray = _parser.getArray(Attribute.class, 0, 0);
590                                    attributes = new Attribute[_tempArray.length];
591                                    for (int _i = 0; _i < attributes.length; _i++)
592                                            attributes[_i] = (Attribute)_tempArray[_i];
593                                    code = _parser.getString(Code, false);
594                            } catch(org.eigenbase.xom.XOMException _ex) {
595                                    throw new org.eigenbase.xom.XOMException("In " + getName() + ": " + _ex.getMessage());
596                            }
597                    }
599                    public String type;  // required attribute
600                    public String _class;  // optional attribute
601                    public org.eigenbase.xom.DOMWrapper _def;
603                    public Attribute[] attributes;  //optional array
604                    public String code;  //optional element
606                    public String getName()
607                    {
608                            return "Plugin";
609                    }
611                    public void display(java.io.PrintWriter _out, int _indent)
612                    {
613                            _out.println(getName());
614                            displayAttribute(_out, "type", type, _indent+1);
615                            displayAttribute(_out, "class", _class, _indent+1);
616                            displayString(_out, "doc", doc, _indent+1);
617                            displayElementArray(_out, "attributes", attributes, _indent+1);
618                            displayString(_out, "code", code, _indent+1);
619                    }
620                    public void displayXML(org.eigenbase.xom.XMLOutput _out, int _indent)
621                    {
622                            _out.beginTag("Plugin", new org.eigenbase.xom.XMLAttrVector()
623                                    .add("type", type)
624                                    .add("class", _class)
625                                    );
626                            displayXMLString(_out, "Doc", doc);
627                            displayXMLElementArray(_out, attributes);
628                            displayXMLString(_out, "Code", code);
629                            _out.endTag("Plugin");
630                    }
631                    public boolean displayDiff(org.eigenbase.xom.ElementDef _other, java.io.PrintWriter _out, int _indent)
632                    {
633                            Plugin _cother = (Plugin)_other;
634                            boolean _diff = displayAttributeDiff("type", type, _cother.type, _out, _indent+1);
635                            _diff = _diff && displayAttributeDiff("class", _class, _cother._class, _out, _indent+1);
636                            _diff = _diff && displayStringDiff("doc", doc, _cother.doc, _out, _indent+1);
637                            _diff = _diff && displayElementArrayDiff("attributes", attributes, _cother.attributes, _out, _indent+1);
638                            _diff = _diff && displayStringDiff("code", code, _cother.code, _out, _indent+1);
639                            return _diff;
640                    }
641            }
643            /**
644             * An Import as a special type of element that represents another element
645             * stored in an external model.  The model to use is specified by the
646             * defPackage and defClass attributes of the import.
647             * An Import may not be derived from any class.
648             */
649            public static class Import extends Definition
650            {
651                    public Import()
652                    {
653                    }
655                    public Import(org.eigenbase.xom.DOMWrapper _def)
656                            throws org.eigenbase.xom.XOMException
657                    {
658                            this._def = _def;
659                            try {
660                                    org.eigenbase.xom.DOMElementParser _parser = new org.eigenbase.xom.DOMElementParser(_def, "", MetaDef.class);
661                                    type = (String)_parser.getAttribute("type", "String", null, null, true);
662                                    defPackage = (String)_parser.getAttribute("defPackage", "String", null, null, true);
663                                    defClass = (String)_parser.getAttribute("defClass", "String", null, null, true);
664                                    dtdName = (String)_parser.getAttribute("dtdName", "String", null, null, false);
665                                    doc = _parser.getString(Doc, false);
666                            } catch(org.eigenbase.xom.XOMException _ex) {
667                                    throw new org.eigenbase.xom.XOMException("In " + getName() + ": " + _ex.getMessage());
668                            }
669                    }
671                    public String type;  // required attribute
672                    public String defPackage;  // required attribute
673                    public String defClass;  // required attribute
674                    public String dtdName;  // optional attribute
675                    public org.eigenbase.xom.DOMWrapper _def;
678                    public String getName()
679                    {
680                            return "Import";
681                    }
683                    public void display(java.io.PrintWriter _out, int _indent)
684                    {
685                            _out.println(getName());
686                            displayAttribute(_out, "type", type, _indent+1);
687                            displayAttribute(_out, "defPackage", defPackage, _indent+1);
688                            displayAttribute(_out, "defClass", defClass, _indent+1);
689                            displayAttribute(_out, "dtdName", dtdName, _indent+1);
690                            displayString(_out, "doc", doc, _indent+1);
691                    }
692                    public void displayXML(org.eigenbase.xom.XMLOutput _out, int _indent)
693                    {
694                            _out.beginTag("Import", new org.eigenbase.xom.XMLAttrVector()
695                                    .add("type", type)
696                                    .add("defPackage", defPackage)
697                                    .add("defClass", defClass)
698                                    .add("dtdName", dtdName)
699                                    );
700                            displayXMLString(_out, "Doc", doc);
701                            _out.endTag("Import");
702                    }
703                    public boolean displayDiff(org.eigenbase.xom.ElementDef _other, java.io.PrintWriter _out, int _indent)
704                    {
705                            Import _cother = (Import)_other;
706                            boolean _diff = displayAttributeDiff("type", type, _cother.type, _out, _indent+1);
707                            _diff = _diff && displayAttributeDiff("defPackage", defPackage, _cother.defPackage, _out, _indent+1);
708                            _diff = _diff && displayAttributeDiff("defClass", defClass, _cother.defClass, _out, _indent+1);
709                            _diff = _diff && displayAttributeDiff("dtdName", dtdName, _cother.dtdName, _out, _indent+1);
710                            _diff = _diff && displayStringDiff("doc", doc, _cother.doc, _out, _indent+1);
711                            return _diff;
712                    }
713            }
715            /**
716             * The Doc entity specifies a documentation section.  The text contained
717             * in this element should be raw text or HTML used to document the object
718             * in which the Doc section appears.
719             */
720            public static final String Doc = "Doc";
722            /**
723             * The Code entity specifies a raw block of Java code.  Each Class/Element
724             * becomes represented by a Java Class.  Including a Code block inside
725             * a Class or Element will insert the code directly into the corresponding
726             * class.  No checking is done on the code until it is complied later.
727             */
728            public static final String Code = "Code";
730            /**
731             * The Attribute entity appears within any Element definition.  It defines
732             * an Attribute, which is a name/value pair used to hold data inside of an
733             * Element.  The Attribute's definition includes its name, type, and
734             * usage information (default value and whether or not it is required).
735             * An Attribute definition may limit its values by specifying Value
736             * objects.
737             */
738            public static class Attribute extends org.eigenbase.xom.ElementDef
739            {
740                    public Attribute()
741                    {
742                    }
744                    public Attribute(org.eigenbase.xom.DOMWrapper _def)
745                            throws org.eigenbase.xom.XOMException
746                    {
747                            this._def = _def;
748                            try {
749                                    org.eigenbase.xom.DOMElementParser _parser = new org.eigenbase.xom.DOMElementParser(_def, "", MetaDef.class);
750                                    org.eigenbase.xom.NodeDef[] _tempArray;
751                                    name = (String)_parser.getAttribute("name", "String", null, null, true);
752                                    type = (String)_parser.getAttribute("type", "String", "String", null, false);
753                                    required = (Boolean)_parser.getAttribute("required", "Boolean", "false", null, false);
754                                    _default = (String)_parser.getAttribute("default", "String", null, null, false);
755                                    doc = _parser.getString(Doc, false);
756                                    values = _parser.getStringArray("Value", 0, 0);
757                            } catch(org.eigenbase.xom.XOMException _ex) {
758                                    throw new org.eigenbase.xom.XOMException("In " + getName() + ": " + _ex.getMessage());
759                            }
760                    }
762                    public String name;  // required attribute
763                    public String type;  // attribute default: String
764                    public Boolean required;  // attribute default: false
765                    public String _default;  // optional attribute
766                    public org.eigenbase.xom.DOMWrapper _def;
768                    public String doc;  //optional element
769                    public String[] values;  //optional array
771                    public String getName()
772                    {
773                            return "Attribute";
774                    }
776                    public void display(java.io.PrintWriter _out, int _indent)
777                    {
778                            _out.println(getName());
779                            displayAttribute(_out, "name", name, _indent+1);
780                            displayAttribute(_out, "type", type, _indent+1);
781                            displayAttribute(_out, "required", required, _indent+1);
782                            displayAttribute(_out, "default", _default, _indent+1);
783                            displayString(_out, "doc", doc, _indent+1);
784                            displayStringArray(_out, "values", values, _indent+1);
785                    }
786                    public void displayXML(org.eigenbase.xom.XMLOutput _out, int _indent)
787                    {
788                            _out.beginTag("Attribute", new org.eigenbase.xom.XMLAttrVector()
789                                    .add("name", name)
790                                    .add("type", type)
791                                    .add("required", required)
792                                    .add("default", _default)
793                                    );
794                            displayXMLString(_out, "Doc", doc);
795                            displayXMLStringArray(_out, "Value", values);
796                            _out.endTag("Attribute");
797                    }
798                    public boolean displayDiff(org.eigenbase.xom.ElementDef _other, java.io.PrintWriter _out, int _indent)
799                    {
800                            Attribute _cother = (Attribute)_other;
801                            boolean _diff = displayAttributeDiff("name", name, _cother.name, _out, _indent+1);
802                            _diff = _diff && displayAttributeDiff("type", type, _cother.type, _out, _indent+1);
803                            _diff = _diff && displayAttributeDiff("required", required, _cother.required, _out, _indent+1);
804                            _diff = _diff && displayAttributeDiff("default", _default, _cother._default, _out, _indent+1);
805                            _diff = _diff && displayStringDiff("doc", doc, _cother.doc, _out, _indent+1);
806                            _diff = _diff && displayStringArrayDiff("values", values, _cother.values, _out, _indent+1);
807                            return _diff;
808                    }
809            }
811            /**
812             * The Value entity specifies a single value in the set of allowed values
813             * for an Attribute.  The value is specifies as text so that any special
814             * characters may appear.
815             */
816            public static final String Value = "Value";
818            /**
819             * The Content class contains all entities which represent types of
820             * content which may appear within an Element.  Content includes
821             * Objects, Arrays, Strings, and special markers such as Any.
822             */
823            public static abstract class Content extends org.eigenbase.xom.ElementDef
824            {
825                    public Content()
826                    {
827                    }
829                    public Content(org.eigenbase.xom.DOMWrapper _def)
830                            throws org.eigenbase.xom.XOMException
831                    {
832                    }
836                    public String getName()
837                    {
838                            return "Content";
839                    }
841                    public void display(java.io.PrintWriter _out, int _indent)
842                    {
843                    }
844                    public void displayXML(org.eigenbase.xom.XMLOutput _out, int _indent)
845                    {
846                            _out.beginTag("(%Content;)", new org.eigenbase.xom.XMLAttrVector()
847                                    );
848                            _out.endTag("(%Content;)");
849                    }
850                    public boolean displayDiff(org.eigenbase.xom.ElementDef _other, java.io.PrintWriter _out, int _indent)
851                    {
852                            return true;
853                    }
854            }
856            /**
857             * An Object is a single instance of an Element type.  Objects have an
858             * identifying name and a type.  The name identifies the object within
859             * its Element and must be unique within the Element.  The object is itself
860             * an instance of an Element, and this Element is identified by the type.
861             * The type may be the type name of an Element or the class name of a Class.
862             */
863            public static class Object extends Content
864            {
865                    public Object()
866                    {
867                    }
869                    public Object(org.eigenbase.xom.DOMWrapper _def)
870                            throws org.eigenbase.xom.XOMException
871                    {
872                            this._def = _def;
873                            try {
874                                    org.eigenbase.xom.DOMElementParser _parser = new org.eigenbase.xom.DOMElementParser(_def, "", MetaDef.class);
875                                    name = (String)_parser.getAttribute("name", "String", null, null, true);
876                                    type = (String)_parser.getAttribute("type", "String", null, null, true);
877                                    required = (Boolean)_parser.getAttribute("required", "Boolean", "false", null, false);
878                                    doc = _parser.getString(Doc, false);
879                            } catch(org.eigenbase.xom.XOMException _ex) {
880                                    throw new org.eigenbase.xom.XOMException("In " + getName() + ": " + _ex.getMessage());
881                            }
882                    }
884                    public String name;  // required attribute
885                    public String type;  // required attribute
886                    public Boolean required;  // attribute default: false
887                    public org.eigenbase.xom.DOMWrapper _def;
889                    public String doc;  //optional element
891                    public String getName()
892                    {
893                            return "Object";
894                    }
896                    public void display(java.io.PrintWriter _out, int _indent)
897                    {
898                            _out.println(getName());
899                            displayAttribute(_out, "name", name, _indent+1);
900                            displayAttribute(_out, "type", type, _indent+1);
901                            displayAttribute(_out, "required", required, _indent+1);
902                            displayString(_out, "doc", doc, _indent+1);
903                    }
904                    public void displayXML(org.eigenbase.xom.XMLOutput _out, int _indent)
905                    {
906                            _out.beginTag("Object", new org.eigenbase.xom.XMLAttrVector()
907                                    .add("name", name)
908                                    .add("type", type)
909                                    .add("required", required)
910                                    );
911                            displayXMLString(_out, "Doc", doc);
912                            _out.endTag("Object");
913                    }
914                    public boolean displayDiff(org.eigenbase.xom.ElementDef _other, java.io.PrintWriter _out, int _indent)
915                    {
916                            Object _cother = (Object)_other;
917                            boolean _diff = displayAttributeDiff("name", name, _cother.name, _out, _indent+1);
918                            _diff = _diff && displayAttributeDiff("type", type, _cother.type, _out, _indent+1);
919                            _diff = _diff && displayAttributeDiff("required", required, _cother.required, _out, _indent+1);
920                            _diff = _diff && displayStringDiff("doc", doc, _cother.doc, _out, _indent+1);
921                            return _diff;
922                    }
923            }
925            /**
926             * An Array is a set of multiple instances of Elements.  The Array
927             * has an identifying name and a base type.  The name identifies the array
928             * within its Element and must be unique within the Element.  Each object
929             * in the array is an instance of the Element identified by the type.
930             * The type may be the type name of an Element or the class name of a Class.
931             */
932            public static class Array extends Content
933            {
934                    public Array()
935                    {
936                    }
938                    public Array(org.eigenbase.xom.DOMWrapper _def)
939                            throws org.eigenbase.xom.XOMException
940                    {
941                            this._def = _def;
942                            try {
943                                    org.eigenbase.xom.DOMElementParser _parser = new org.eigenbase.xom.DOMElementParser(_def, "", MetaDef.class);
944                                    name = (String)_parser.getAttribute("name", "String", null, null, true);
945                                    type = (String)_parser.getAttribute("type", "String", null, null, true);
946                                    min = (Integer)_parser.getAttribute("min", "Integer", "0", null, false);
947                                    max = (Integer)_parser.getAttribute("max", "Integer", "0", null, false);
948                                    doc = _parser.getString(Doc, false);
949                            } catch(org.eigenbase.xom.XOMException _ex) {
950                                    throw new org.eigenbase.xom.XOMException("In " + getName() + ": " + _ex.getMessage());
951                            }
952                    }
954                    public String name;  // required attribute
955                    public String type;  // required attribute
956                    public Integer min;  // attribute default: 0
957                    public Integer max;  // attribute default: 0
958                    public org.eigenbase.xom.DOMWrapper _def;
960                    public String doc;  //optional element
962                    public String getName()
963                    {
964                            return "Array";
965                    }
967                    public void display(java.io.PrintWriter _out, int _indent)
968                    {
969                            _out.println(getName());
970                            displayAttribute(_out, "name", name, _indent+1);
971                            displayAttribute(_out, "type", type, _indent+1);
972                            displayAttribute(_out, "min", min, _indent+1);
973                            displayAttribute(_out, "max", max, _indent+1);
974                            displayString(_out, "doc", doc, _indent+1);
975                    }
976                    public void displayXML(org.eigenbase.xom.XMLOutput _out, int _indent)
977                    {
978                            _out.beginTag("Array", new org.eigenbase.xom.XMLAttrVector()
979                                    .add("name", name)
980                                    .add("type", type)
981                                    .add("min", min)
982                                    .add("max", max)
983                                    );
984                            displayXMLString(_out, "Doc", doc);
985                            _out.endTag("Array");
986                    }
987                    public boolean displayDiff(org.eigenbase.xom.ElementDef _other, java.io.PrintWriter _out, int _indent)
988                    {
989                            Array _cother = (Array)_other;
990                            boolean _diff = displayAttributeDiff("name", name, _cother.name, _out, _indent+1);
991                            _diff = _diff && displayAttributeDiff("type", type, _cother.type, _out, _indent+1);
992                            _diff = _diff && displayAttributeDiff("min", min, _cother.min, _out, _indent+1);
993                            _diff = _diff && displayAttributeDiff("max", max, _cother.max, _out, _indent+1);
994                            _diff = _diff && displayStringDiff("doc", doc, _cother.doc, _out, _indent+1);
995                            return _diff;
996                    }
997            }
999            /**
1000             * The Any content is a special marker which allows an Element to
1001             * contain any type of data.  The data will appear in a single
1002             * array called "children".  The data will contain all kinds of
1003             * node (elements, comments, text) if the content model is
1004             * "mixed", otherwise just elements. If an Any marker appears, no other
1005             * content may appear in the element.
1006             */
1007            public static class Any extends Content
1008            {
1009                    public Any()
1010                    {
1011                    }
1013                    public Any(org.eigenbase.xom.DOMWrapper _def)
1014                            throws org.eigenbase.xom.XOMException
1015                    {
1016                    }
1018                    public org.eigenbase.xom.DOMWrapper _def;
1021                    public String getName()
1022                    {
1023                            return "Any";
1024                    }
1026                    public void display(java.io.PrintWriter _out, int _indent)
1027                    {
1028                            _out.println(getName());
1029                    }
1030                    public void displayXML(org.eigenbase.xom.XMLOutput _out, int _indent)
1031                    {
1032                            _out.beginTag("Any", new org.eigenbase.xom.XMLAttrVector()
1033                                    );
1034                            _out.endTag("Any");
1035                    }
1036                    public boolean displayDiff(org.eigenbase.xom.ElementDef _other, java.io.PrintWriter _out, int _indent)
1037                    {
1038                            return true;
1039                    }
1040            }
1042            /**
1043             * The CData content is a special marker which allows an Element to
1044             * contain a single CDATA section as its only content, yet still
1045             * have attributes.  The data will appear in a single String
1046             * called "cdata".  If a CData marker appears, no other
1047             * content may appear in the element.
1048             */
1049            public static class CData extends Content
1050            {
1051                    public CData()
1052                    {
1053                    }
1055                    public CData(org.eigenbase.xom.DOMWrapper _def)
1056                            throws org.eigenbase.xom.XOMException
1057                    {
1058                    }
1060                    public org.eigenbase.xom.DOMWrapper _def;
1063                    public String getName()
1064                    {
1065                            return "CData";
1066                    }
1068                    public void display(java.io.PrintWriter _out, int _indent)
1069                    {
1070                            _out.println(getName());
1071                    }
1072                    public void displayXML(org.eigenbase.xom.XMLOutput _out, int _indent)
1073                    {
1074                            _out.beginTag("CData", new org.eigenbase.xom.XMLAttrVector()
1075                                    );
1076                            _out.endTag("CData");
1077                    }
1078                    public boolean displayDiff(org.eigenbase.xom.ElementDef _other, java.io.PrintWriter _out, int _indent)
1079                    {
1080                            return true;
1081                    }
1082            }
1085    }